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Local HVAC Specialist

Serving San Gabriel Valley, Inland Empire, and Orange County

Complete HVAC Services for Homes and Businesses

For over 55 years, Cypress Heating & Air Conditioning has been providing HVAC services throughout Glendora, CA and the surrounding communities. We were founded on the idea of providing exceptional customer service regardless of the size of the project. While the industry has undergone many changes, our commitment has remained the same. Our trained and experienced technicians offer comprehensive HVAC services, including AC and furnace repair, installation, maintenance, and so much more. We’re available 24/7 for all your HVAC emergencies. Is your home or office prepared for the upcoming season? Contact us today to schedule your service.

Air Conditioning and Heating Service Van Parked in Glendora, CA 

Stay Cool This Summer With AC Installation and Services

Summer in Southern California can be uncomfortable. Rising temperatures and humidity can make it oppressive. As a locally owned and operated company, we know an efficient air conditioner is essential for staying comfortable all summer. Home and business owners throughout the area trust us for comprehensive AC repair, maintenance, and new installation services. Our knowledgeable and experienced technicians carefully evaluate your needs and make the necessary recommendations to ensure your AC provides even cooling while working efficiently.

HVAC Technician Performing Maintenance on an Air Conditioning Unit Glendora, CA

Trusted for High-Quality Furnace Maintenance

Your home’s furnace should last anywhere between 10 to 15 years. However, neglect will shorten its lifespan. To ensure your furnace system lasts, choose us. Our annual furnace maintenance services ensure your system is ready for the upcoming season. When it’s time for a new furnace, we also offer installation services. If you’re considering switching to an efficient heat pump, we can answer any questions about this alternative heating system. As a local expert in HVAC services, our technicians stay up-to-date on all the latest industry innovations.

We’re a Breath of Fresh Air

Homes and businesses have become more insulated, providing better energy efficiency and more even cooling. However, as a result, indoor air quality has suffered. Contaminants in the air can lead to numerous allergy-like symptoms, including coughing, wheezing, runny nose, watery eyes, and much more. Luckily, the professionals at Cypress Heating & Air Conditioning offer a wide range of air filtration solutions to reduce these harmful pollutants. We install filtration systems, UV lights, air scrubbers, duct systems, and humidifiers. We also test and clean air ducts to help keep your air safe.

High-Quality Products for Every Project

For a long-lasting, high-quality service, you need the right tools and products for the job. Our certified technicians have access to some of the industry’s most trusted brands, including Lennox and Mitsubishi. We’ve completed over 10,000 residential and commercial jobs throughout our decades of service. Equipped with the right tools, knowledge, and products, you can feel certain you’ll experience comfort like never before. Every customer’s needs are unique, and we customize our services to overcome the challenges you are facing.

Discover Why Home and Business Owners Choose Us

When it comes to your residential or commercial HVAC system, it’s crucial to have a skilled and experienced team working to ensure your comfort. We have the proper equipment, tools, and technicians to handle large HVAC installation projects for businesses and the customer-centric approach for residential repairs and maintenance. When you choose us, you can always expect the job will be done correctly the first time, no matter the size or scope of the project. Learn more about why homeowners and businesses throughout the area choose us to keep them comfortable all year long:

  • 24/7 Emergency Service
  • Certified Technicians
  • Committed to Customer Satisfaction
  • Decades of Experience
  • Handle Any Size Project
  • Locally-Owned
Residential Home Featuring Air Conditioning System in Glendora, CA 

The logo of Lennox hvac Medford Oregon

Air is life. Make it perfect.

We Carry Lennox Products

547 S. Loraine Ave
Glendora, CA 91741


Hours of Operation
24 hours a day

547 S Loraine Ave, Glendora, CA 91741, USA

Keep Your Home or Office Comfortable All Year Long

Cypress Heating & Air Conditioning provides comprehensive HVAC services and more to home and business owners throughout the area. Our team of skilled and experienced technicians is committed to providing reliable solutions tailored to your specific needs. We begin with an in-depth assessment of your property. Based on this evaluation, we offer personalized recommendations best suited for your situation, whether it’s repair, maintenance, or installing a new HVAC system. Our honest and thoughtful approach ensures you receive the most efficient and effective solutions to keep your home or office comfortable all year long. Speak with our team today to get started.

The logos of Cypress air Partners